Last minute preparations
Today I sat through the full construction site workers health and safety induction at 8.15 in the morning. Feeling like a fish out of water, the token female, in a very male environment I sat apprehensively having no idea what to expect. All the while I was thinking 'I am an artist not a construction site worker! But I had better concentrate and get this right.' This induction is a mandatory part of the residency. No Induction = No Residency. However, if you fail the test that equals no pass, so no residency. Thankfully I passed!
The artists starting on Wednesday 6th July will not be enduring the same rigorous induction but it is still serious stuff. Health and Safety issues are of paramount importance on any construction site but even more so in Canary Wharf. Canary Wharf, a private estate, notorious for its security, boasting the most densely populated security cameras in the UK. The rules are tight for a reason. We will be guests in a remarkable, vibrant, fast-paced environment and have to understand why there is that need to respect that.
I spent the rest of the day getting the space ready, and negotiating last minute items. I am pleased to say the space is ready for the 6th July to welcome the Bank Street Residency Artists 2016 to the site.