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More inductees...

At 8.15am three more artists became inductees...if that even is a word...for the Bank Street Residency. They endured the self same full Health and Safety Induction I had experienced over a week ago. The threat of having to come back to retake the induction at 8.15 Thursday morning was enough to ensure all passed with flying colours!

The anticipation of the induction...

Health and Safety Site Officer Rory initiates the induction.

A platform with a view.

The artists were given a bird's eye view fro a viewing platform looking down on to the Bank Street Construction site. Here there was no requirement for PPE as the platform is attached to the offices within the compound with no direct site access. Here they were given a brief overview of the project.

Signs of art activity in the Bank Street Residency space!!

The artists were introduced to the residency space and I'm pleased to report that there are signs of artistic activity....again a really positive day with the new artists feeling really excited about so many possibilities.

A sneak peak of another construction site project at Wood Wharf.

Two of the artists had a sneak peak at another construction site at Wood Wharf, Canary Wharf where 30 building are expected to be built in a 13 year long project.

So another exciting day at Canary Wharf...more news to follow...

 THE Bank Street  ResidencyMANIFAST: 


The Bank Street Residency Artists 2016 vow to respond to Canary Wharf through a site specific lens. 

They will use their individual practices to interpret 'What is Canary Wharf?'

They will be generous with their fellow residents sharing, supporting.

They will be respectful of each other and their generous hosts.



06/07/16:  Inductions and site tour


12/07/16:  Inductions and site tour


20/07/16:  Studio Crit


27/07/16:  Monthly Crit

03/08/16:  Group Crit

10/08/16:  Group Crit

17/08/16:  Group Crit

24/08/16:  Group Crit

31/08/16:  Monthly Crit

07/09/16:  Group Crit

14/09/16:  Group Crit

21/09/16:  Group Crit

28/09/16:  Monthly Crit and Summation

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